December 2024
- Picture of the Month

Members of the Laboratory of Equipment Design antended at the Annual Meeting of Process Engineering and Materials Technology (PEMT), which took place in Frankfurt am Main, from November 11-12. Professor Norbert Kockmann gave together with Professor Peter Pelz and Professor Leon Urbas about the current state of the ENPRO REUNION project, which is dedicated to the development of modular plants. Additionally he moderated the CHEMCAR contest. Other members of the lab of equipment design held talks or presented posters about their resent research topics:
- 'Smart sensor for emulsification process characterization and control' (talk, Inga Burke)
- 'Automation and FAIR Data Management of Modular Plants' (talk, Mathias Schmitz)
- 'Modularization of a Laboratory-Scale Vacuum DTB Crystallizer' (talk, Laura Marsollek)
- 'Enhancing Catalysis and Process Engineering Insight through Semantic Integration: The REAC4Cat Ontology and its Data Pipeline' (poster, Hendrik Borgelt)