Energy Efficiency and Process Intensification for the Chemical Industry - Networked Demonstrator Network for Optimised Process Chains
The REUNION project is part of the overall ENPRO project. As a collaboration between academia and companies, ENPRO paves the way for a faster transfer of more flexible, energy-efficient processes into industrial production. Key elements here are the implementation of batch-to-conti at module level, the creation of intelligent and networked modules from the apparatus through to automation and the development of methods and standards for data integration.
The REUNION (VeRnetzter DEmonstrator-VerbUNd für optimierte PrOzessketteN) sub-project focuses on implementation in the form of demonstrators in the laboratory and in production as well as clarification of the associated challenges. This involves both new plants and the modification, modernisation and expansion of existing plants.
In this context, the equipment design group works on automated, process-intensified stirred-pulsed extraction, agitated mini-reactors and (draft tube baffle) DTB crystallizers. These serve as modules for reaction and separation processes in modular plants.

Information on the project
Contact | Prof. Dr. Norbert Kockmann |
Professorship | Laboratory of Equipment Design (AD/BCI) |
Funding | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), Projektträger Jülich (PTJ) |
Partner | NETZSCH Pumpen und Systeme gmbH, Waldkraiburg Associated partners |
Term | from 01.01.2024 |